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[ACM logo] 18th ACM Symposium on 
Operating Systems Principles

October 21-24, 2001
Chateau Lake Louise, Banff, Canada
Conference web site: http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/sosp01/

Lake Louise

General chair: Keith Marzullo, University of California, San Diego
Program chair: M. Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University
Sponsored by: ACM SIGOPS

Authors are invited to submit papers to the 18th SOSP reporting on original research related to the design, implementation, analysis, evaluation, and deployment of operating systems.  We seek submissions of high quality that  significantly further the knowledge and understanding of the systems  community.  In keeping with SOSP tradition, we will favor work that explores new territory, continues a significant research dialog, or reflects on experience with practical applications of the community's knowledge.  Papers of particular merit will be forwarded to ACM Transactions on Computer Systems for possible publication in a special issue.

The symposium attracts attendees with diverse backgrounds.  We solicit papers in the traditional core of the OS field, as well as in the interfaces to  areas such as computer architecture, networking, programming languages, and databases.  Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

High availability Mobile computing
Scalability and performance Ubiquitous computing
Security Power management
File systems Multimedia databases
I/O architectures  Web support
Networks and communications  Multimedia systems
Transaction support Empirical studies

Submissions will be done electronically.  Detailed instructions for the  submission process will be available at the conference web site. Submitted papers must be no longer than fourteen (14) 8.5"x11" or A4 pages in a typeface no smaller than 10 point.  The page limit includes everything:  references, title page, figures, appendices, etc.  Additional formatting guidelines for submissions will be available on the web page.  Substantially identical papers must not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication  elsewhere. Authors must not be identified in the submissions, either explicitly or by implication (e.g., through the references or acknowledgments).  Submissions violating these rules or the formatting guidelines on the web page will not be considered for publication.

Blind reviewing of full papers will be done by the program committee, assisted by outside referees.  Papers will be provisionally accepted subject  to revision and approval by a program committee member acting as a shepherd.  On acceptance, authors will be required to sign an ACM copyright release form.  Your submission indicates that you agree to this. Papers will be held in full confidence during the reviewing process.  Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to supply electronic versions of their papers,as well as source code and raw data to help others replicate and better understand their results.  These will be disseminated through the Internet.

There will be a scholarship program to support student registration and attendance.  Details will become available on the web site.

Important dates

Program committee Organizing chairs
Local arrangements: Norm Hutchinson, British Columbia
Publication: Greg Ganger, Carnegie Mellon
Finance: Tom Bressoud, Lucent
Registration: Geoff Voelker, UC San Diego
Publicity: Lorenzo Alvisi, UT Austin
Scribes and Volunteers: Michael Feeley, British Columbia
Scholarships: Marvin Theimer, Microsoft
CD ROM: Christopher Small, Sun Microsystems